
4.0 ( 0 ratings )
Développeur Charles Escaravage

*** Please note that it is available currently only for Lowney 8, 9, 10 and 11 residents ***

Whenever we invite guests over, they complain about finding a parking or having to pay. Its unfortunate because there are usually tons of free spots inside. We hope to change that!

GuestPark aims to facilitate the sharing of parking spots. You share yours when you dont need it so that you can borrow one when you have guests!

How does it work?
• You mark your parking as available whenever you dont need it
• You borrow someone elses parking spot when you have guests

To keep it fair, everyone will have Parking Credits
• You earn them when someone borrows your parking spot
• You spend them when you borrow a parking spot

Parking Credits:
• 1 for up to two hours
• 2 for up to 12 hours
• 3 for up to 24 hours
• 4 for up to 48 hours and so on and so forth...